AERIS Services

AERIS offers a wide range of high specialised services to empower resources to elevate your organisation to the next level. 

Project Management

Delivering on-time, within budget and specification compliant projects for safety critical operations.


We have extensive experience in business development, specifically in the areas of marketing and sales strategy focused on international growth.


Specialist engineering resources for high integrity safety critical systems, design and calculations.


Overall Project Management

AERIS is your single point of contact producing and managing the programme, budget control and safety of project deliverables, ensuring that the client is assured of successful project progress through to completion.

Our understanding of the multiple facets of project management allows us to better manage project execution. 


Technical Requirements

AERIS appreciates the importance of technical specifications, requirements and regulations which need to be complied to during the course of project execution. Understanding, applying and verifying technical requirements are a fundamental part of a successful process.  

Sub Vendor Management

Without a well managed pool of sub vendors and contractors a project is at risk of failure. Empowering, managing and motivating key contributors is AERIS' focused approach to successful project execution. 




Business Model

Understanding, identifying and formulating your organisation strategy and business model by discovering the core essence of what, how and why, the organisation exist is the fundamental starting point of Aeris' approach to developing a sustainable business model.


A consolidated approach to understanding the customer, brand values and organisational values will play a vital part in formulating the organisation's Marketing Strategy. 


Integrating Sales to the overall business objectives is the start of the relationship building approach to sustained customer satisfaction.  


Market Research

Understanding your market will significantly affect the manner in which products and services are offered. This could be a period assessment of an existing market or analysis of a new market where potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats need to be assessed. 

Sector Analysis

Similar to entry into a new market, bringing an existing product or service to a new sector, is an extremely cost effective approach to increasing revenue streams. Understanding, evaluating and selecting the right sector as well as knowing what changes will need to be made are vital to successful execution. 


Internal Systems & Processes

Whilst external factors are often out of the organisation's control, being able to adapt internal to meet external challenges and opportunities is what differentiates sustained success to simple survival. Innovation and having open, honest analysis of internal systems and process with multiple stakeholder input is a key factor in finding the best way forward. 




AERIS provide the complete design package including structural, heat load and pressure drop calculations optimising the performance of high integrity and safety critical systems.


By engaging and empowering our specialist sub-contractors we execute all our projects in accordance with the design, plus all associated client and industry specifications.

Equipment Selection:

With system criteria established, the equipment selected becomes paramount in meeting project requirements. Equipment reliability, cost, ease of maintenance are also factors taken into consideration for an effective sustainable system.  

System PErformance Verification:

With the complex nature of systems, verification of final system performance is vital to provide assurances to high integrity and safety criterial systems. Opportunities for optimisation are often identified at this stage. 


We are also able to provide the following services:

  • Display energy certificates (DEC)

  • Energy performance certificates (EPC)

  • Energy efficiency advice and recommendations